• 6St Rwehabura Road, Plot#305, Mikocheni A, Dar es salaam Tanzania.
  • +255 744 666 002
  • info@nhf.or.tz

The provision of food and nutrition service in schools aims at improving access to heathy school meals, contribute to increased students’ enrolment, attendance, attention and participation in classes, and retention in schools and general academic performance. Improving food and nutrition outcomes among vulnerable populations are cited as the most important cross-cutting issues that contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a country by 2030. Education is one of the main pillars of sustainable development in a knowledge-based economy (Yang, etal.,2019). In recognition of the benefits attached to the provision of food and nutrition services in schools, Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MoEST) developed the National Guidelines on School Feeding and Nutrition Services to Basic Education Students which recommends students should consume nutritious food that can be prepared in schools to address Malnutrition which also affect student performances. The development of the Guidelines aligns with National Accelerated Investment Agenda for Adolescent Health and Wellbeing (NAAIA) (2021-2025).

According to Tanzania Demographic Health Survey 2022, Malnutrition was significantly higher among adolescents (5-19 years old) living in low standard families, Single parent families and having no earning status. Hence to tie up the good nutrition it is recommended that integrated nutritional intervention and health related services should also be focused on adolescents via Schools. It was also revealed that, there are substantial rates of stunting, thinness, underweight, and overweight in primary schoolchildren in Tanzania. Therefore, this results into high demand of strengthening nutrition interventions to improve nutrition status in public primary school students, in Tanzania. Additionally, in Tanzania school feeding and nutrition services are provided jointly by the government, communities and other stakeholders including the private sector. Based on the study done by MoEST in collaboration with Project Concern International (PCI), it also found that there is a need to improve provision of food and nutrition services to basic education students while at school. However, on the other hand, the study further revealed that the provision of food and nutrition services was effective in areas where parents and communities were contributing. On contrary these initiatives are still the challenges to the school that parents are not able to afford for such contributions. Thus, the government still emphasize on calls for more advocacy and awareness creation to improve nutrition status at schools for better health, attendance, academic performance and reduced truancy and drop out among students. For this reason, Nutrition Heritage Foundation (NHF) has come up with School Garden projects to support School feeding programs.

Meet Our Experts

Christina Robbin

Finance Manager

Christina Robbin

Finance Manager

Christina Robbin

Finance Manager

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Mariya Fruklen
CEO, Toronto

The Challenge

Many Vulnerable, Marginalized, Voiceless, Underprivileged (Disadvantage Groups) Lack of the right nutrition (malnutrition) leads to a physical and mental growth retardation in this kind of societies, especially children,  as a result of which these children have fewer chances to develop into a healthy and balanced person. This creates a disadvantage for their later social life, resulting in a vicious circle of poverty. Improving the dietary pattern is therefore desperately needed.

The Results

Opportunity for Community to have a well health development. A good nutritional status gives children the chance to develop into a healthy person. Minor changes at a young age can already have major positive consequences for the further development of a child. Improving the nutritional status is therefore one of the most effective forms of development aid.

Causes and positive change all over the world.

Our Mission

Making community with easily access nutritious foods from their localities and hence improve Health and Nutrition thought their lifetime.

Our Vission

Our Vision is to be a leading Foundation in Tanzania that will leave an everlasting heritage of improved nutrition system to our future generation through innovative approaches.

Our Values

NHF Led with Integrity, Compassion, Care, Respect, Diversity, Empowerment, Wellness and Learner-centered.